Part 1: Mission Statement

Working with people and sound, working with integrating energies, working with bringing people together physically and energetically by facilitating vibrational entrainment is something that I've been called to do for many, many years, most (if not all) of my life. It's also something that I resisted for most of my life...

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The kindness revolution

In overcoming the resonance of fear that many are dwelling in and manipulated into, forgiveness is a key factor. To overcome this resonance we must not fight or hold animosity...kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are key factors...

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Let's celebrate true independence by coming together to work towards creating true independence for all

Although it may seem like a coming together collectively would be a dissolution of the self, it's in fact quite the opposite. Coming together in groups with like minded people holding like minded intention triggers an energetic activation within each of us...

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Break the Cycle ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 4

Once we realize that we are creating our own reality within this multidimensional Universe, then we will realize that loving ourselves means that we are loving the whole world and all of existence in it's entirety. All of the people, all of the structures, all of the control patterns, the good and the bad...all originates from within us.

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The Resonance of Kindness ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 3

We live in a time of great awakening. We are all feeling changes happening on this planet, and we are all searching for answers at this time. This is such a wonderful time to be alive on this planet as we start to awaken to...

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Citizens of Earth Videos

Citizens of Earth

Can we connect and become inspired by that connection? Connection is the seat of the human experience. Denying to ourselves that we're deeply connected is to fight who and what we truly are. We are human. Humans are an interconnected species, deeply connected to one another, connected to the Earth, connected to the sun and solar system, connected to the galaxy, connected to the universe...above and below.

Things are changing, people are becoming more aware. We need to inspire people to awaken. We need to inspire people to look within.

The Resonance of Kindness ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 3

Break the Cycle ~ Citizens of Earth Episode 4

Capitalism is outdated

The 20th century version of capitalism has us pit against each other. In this mindset, human lives are profited from and potentially forfeited if that life is not cost effective, or not generating significant profit. It's time for a new model...

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