2021 in reflection...I don't speak up very often. β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ

I have to admit that at times in 2021 I've found it difficult to hold optimism for humanity.

I haven't voiced my opinions very often this year, thinking back, very likely not at all...which is quite startling to realize.

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What is your body telling you? Do you feel fear, anxiety, or agitation? These can be our most important messengers.

We live in a complicated world...to say the least. The current state of our society often leads us to functioning from within a state of fight-or-flight, which is a high anxiety state.

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Shadow Work ⚑ Out of the Shadows, Into The Light

That first moment we step out of our own shadow into the light is the brightest that the light will be from our perspective. This is the moment when we finally feel awake, alive, and connected. We finally start having a greater understanding of the deeper nature of our being...multidimensionality.

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Experiencing positive and negative vibrational entrainment with others

As you get better at reading the energy of a person or a room of people you will also get better at protecting your energy from entrainment with the energetic patterns of others that are a mismatched with your own.

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Finding balance to access your complete multidimensional self

Balance truly is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness / perception from your physicality. Balance causes the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place.

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Rewrite your reality ~ Where do you begin?

I've become well aware of how easily manipulated our personalities are. Where does that which we identify with as our 'personality' come from? A lot of our wants and needs and desires are not fully our own...

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Part 3: A flavor of ascension

My whole life I've always experienced visitations of energy, occasionally accompanied by messages. I've been asked to share my experiences. This is part 3 in the sharing of my own story...

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