Light Armor

Things definitely seem to be becoming more and more compressed as of late! As a good friend of mine recently said; "it feels like some people are literally going insane with paranoia, denial, and anger."

On a personal level I've been doing a lot of clearing out of denser energies this past week in particular. I've been regularly waking up between 3-4am with past traumas coming strongly to the surface...things I hadn't thought of in years..and being guided to release these. I'm actually feeling much much lighter.

Just before these middle of the night releases started happening I had been feeling very low energy for awhile. In my morning meditation I asked why this was, and asked for guidance. The answer that I received was that I've been regularly and consistently overextending my energy field, with good intentions, but that it wasn't serving me at this time. I was guided into a kind of tightening of my energy field, pulling it closer inwards into a denser more substantial state...creating "Light Armor."

Light Armor.jpg

What I was shown as "Light Armor" was a very simple visualization to pull my energy field in so that it wraps tightly around the physical body, becoming denser and more substantial. I have since been practicing this in my meditations.

I was shown the Alex Grey painting "Nature of Mind"' in my mind's eye as a visualization for this, with specific focus on the inner layer that is tight against the body of the figure in the painting.

In this transmission my ego mind was worried that I would not be able to connect outwards with the same effectiveness from this state of contraction.

"Of course you can still connect beyond your body, there is no way in which you are not can never be not connected...that is who you are. The realm you dwell in momentarily is not you, the illusion cannot truly affect you on the level of your connection."
"As the light armor tightens, the denser energies are squeezed out. This tightening does not cut you off from anything, that is impossible as the whole Universe is
inside of you. You do not need to extend outwards to access that."

I had completely forgotten about the 2nd part that I shared above about the denser energies being squeezed out until recently re-reading my journal. That seems to parallel perfectly with the experiences I've been having of waking to release denser energies during the night.

If it calls to you, I recommend trying this visualization in your own meditation practice.

There is much going on, and so much being released on a mass scale at this time. It's important to not get inadvertently caught up in that which is not your own density to be released. Beware of allowing yourself to get caught up in the energy of the chaos, and don't set yourself up in a place where you are a magnet for that energy field. You can be in service without being in the path of the tsunami.

I appreciate you all so very much.

In Light & Gratitude,