Today is a new day

Today is a new day.

Nothing will ever be the same as it was a few months ago, and that is okay. The world needs to change and many things need to come to light, which is happening and will continue to happen.

This is why WE are here...the Starseeds. We are here to anchor in the higher frequency during this time of turmoil. This shift has been going on for almost ninety years, but has just started to greatly amplify its potency. Things are coming to a head.

Starseeds are those which already vibrate at a different higher resonance in their core. We were originally outside of the Earth's karmic cycle, but chose to come here during this time. At our core we hold a higher resonance than those that have been moving through the Earth's 3D cycle all along. We are here to teach (remind) others how to hold that higher resonance, so in turn together we will help many others to entrain to this higher resonance.

This is important because the Earth and the whole Solar System is entering into a higher charged portion of the Galaxy, literally entering into a highly charged energetic cloud. The whole solar system and all of those within it will ultimately shift into this higher resonance.

Learning how to hold and work with this higher resonance will ease the transition for all of us here now within this Earth cycle. Those of us being called Starseeds are coming in to help the Earth's peoples to start to hold this resonance, and to remind each other how to tune in and entrain to this resonance on a conscious level so that we can teach it by way of example. For many of us just being here is enough.

Many, many people have been entrenched in a quagmire of lower resonance. This has been done intentionally, as they have been repeatedly manipulated into this. If they are not able to entrain into these higher frequencies, this higher resonance coming into the system at this time, it will have a very negative effect on their/our consciousness. They will tear each other and the world apart in madness. You can absolutely see the symptoms of this in the world right now.

This will not happen, the game is rigged in our favor. There are literally millions of us here at this time with the higher resonance at our core. As we wake up and we amplify our core resonance by entraining to the higher energies entering into this system we become resonators that when joined together will further help entrain others to be in line with this higher resonance, where they need to be for this shifting. We have been/are creating a chain reaction.

By coming here en masse the mathematical probability of failure was so infinitesimally small that it was almost impossible, but we have already passed the tipping point. At this time there is a 0% chance of failure.

Continue to hold and amplify this higher resonance as we move through the turbulence of this shift. It will be bumpy, but on the other side is an amazing New Earth. You are a Hero. Don't get swept up in the turbulence, by the polarity, by the end-time madness. The end of a time is always but the beginning of another. Maintain your higher connection. You are a beautiful amazing powerful being. Remember. Have Faith In Yourself. Have faith in US together. We got this.