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New Moon Sound Healing Reset ~ ONLINE EVENT

New Moon Sound Healing Reset

November 15, 2020 4-5pm EST

1 hour of sound healing to relax and release, the perfect nervous system reset.

I've been physically and energetically exhausted with all that is going on recently and I was actually contemplating skipping facilitating an event this month, but I realized that many people are probably feeling exactly the same way. We all could use a nervous system reset.

After thinking on it, I decided that it' be perfect to host a one hour sound healing reset, and it couldn't be more perfect than for this event to take place on the 11/15 new moon.

On the evening of November 15th, we will set a quick intention to release all of this heaviness, and then we'll get right into relaxing down into sacred sound for a one full hour nervous system reset. All are welcome!

You will be able to enjoy this experience from the comfort of your own home, all you need is:
*Access to the internet and Facebook
*A quiet space where you can remain uninterrupted for 60 minutes.
*Blankets, pillows, and wherever will make you comfortable laying down. (Remaining seated is also an option if that better serves you.)
*Stereo Headphones (The higher the quality, the better the sound, but any headphones will do.)

**Registration gains you access to the live event on Sunday November 15th, as well as access to a recording of the event for 7 days afterwards.**


Energy exchange: $15

**If you cannot afford the $15 due to the current circumstances in this world just reach out to me and we will work that out, there is no reason that finances should hold you back from attending in this time.**