Balance. Emotional Body + Logical Mind = Intuitive Soul

Balance is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness and perception. Proper balance will facilitate the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place. The balance you seek is a balance between your body, mind, and soul.

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How can sound help us to heal our physical body?

Sound can help a person move into a state of clarity. All of the distractions and the seeming very important things that are really quite unimportant tend to drop away upon releasing oneself into sacred sound. This leaves us with a deeper connection

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Experiencing the shifting resonance together ~ Be patient

Being open while at the same time being safe, keep your energy flow open and your vibratory rate high. Strive for higher experiences and deeper connections. Strive to become truly open and able to fully hold this new resonance

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Experiencing positive and negative vibrational entrainment with others

As you get better at reading the energy of a person or a room of people you will also get better at protecting your energy from entrainment with the energetic patterns of others that are a mismatched with your own.

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Finding balance to access your complete multidimensional self

Balance truly is the key to opening up to multidimensional awareness / perception from your physicality. Balance causes the ability to align vibrationally with the resonance required for that connection to take place.

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Allow yourself this return to balance

Humanity is becoming poised to emerge out of the dark ages of  this current cycle. Your knowledge base will soon greatly expand. Your awareness of the true nature of your multidimensional reality will soon greatly expand as well. At this time many of you agreed to be here to help with this shift...

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Happy Equinox ~ A perfect day for returning to balance

Energetic balance is about maintaining our energetic flow. Denser energies can upset the delicate balance of flow between your energy centers. If you are blocked in one area that blockage will stifle the flow of energy through to other areas...

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“I” = E (ego) + T (time) - “I” think, therefore “I” am...but are you more than what you think? The ego projects itself into the past and future, that is where the ego lives, in another imagined time, NOT in this present moment.

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